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5 ways you can help the
Sewickley Twp. Public Library!


Dust off your library card and actually use it!

Check out books, ebooks, DVDs, and attend library programs. Once you've done these things, be vocal about it! Tell your friends and neighbors all about the cool things the library has to offer. Word of mouth is essential when it comes to library promotion!



If you have kids, teach them to see the library as a place that holds opportunities for both education and entertainment.

Take them to programs like storytime, Summer Reading Program and all of the MANY other events held at the library. Get them a library card at an early age. Make going to the library a fun family experience.


Offer to volunteer!

Contact the library or the friends of the library and see how you can volunteer your time. Volunteers can help daily, weekly, monthly, or by event. 


Doante: You can always donate money to the library!

It will always benefit you, the patron, wheater directly or indirectly. (Also, if you have outstanding late fees, don't be ashamed. But do step up and pay them. You'll feel better and the library will thank you.)


Write to your local politicians about how the library benefits you.

Politicians tend to support what communities want them to support, so don't be shy about letting them know how swell you think the libray is.

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